Turnkey Plug Isolation
& Weld Testing
The need to add new flanges or replace existing flanges and butt-welds to a pipe system is a part of capital expansion or general maintenance. Traditional solutions such as full line pressure test or using mud plugs are problematic and expensive. We have replaced these messy and time consuming procedures with a simple and convenient hydrostatic testing system.
Isolate the Line
Using a double block and bleed plug we are able to monitor and isolate potential explosive vapors from hot work areas.
- ¾”- 24” NPS (DN20 to DN600) Plug Isolation & Hydrostatic Weld Testing
- Custom sizes available upon request
- Test pressures up to 2250 PSI (155.2 Bar)
- Pipe Cutting & Beveling
- Turnkey plug isolation and weld testing solution
- Reduces down time and the need for NDE
- Controlled containment of harmful vapors
- Minimal water usage, reducing waste treatment and line dehydration expense
- Best-in-class equipment coupled with highly trained personnel
Test the Weld
Once welding is complete, a hydrostatic test using a minimum amount of liquid can be performed to verify the integrity of the welds.