Thanks again for the support on the cajun outage, with your help we were able to make that outage a success.
I appreciate all of your help and the services that Bolttech provided. I hope that this will open up more opportunities for James Construction Group and Bolttech to work together on future jobs. I feel that your company did a very good job in completing the scope of work in a timely manner. I look forward in working with you guys in the future.
I am the GE project manager for the Weyerhaeuser – Columbus, MS outage. I wanted to take a moment to pass along this feedback about the two men you recently sent to this job to remove the turbine shell bolting, Jared Smartnick and Wayne Roebuck.
These two men did an excellent job. They came in with a professional attitude and performed as such. It was a pleasure having them on-site and would welcome them back on any job. I would also like to request that, if possible, these two men be the ones to return and install the bolting when the time arrives.
These men are an asset to your company and we appreciate you sending them to us.
Your guys were great. Allan and Steve did a good job taking care of business, especially Allan who was eager to help. When we had trouble with a couple of studs that were bottomed out, Allan got with my millwrights, broke out the hydraulic tools, and they were complete within minutes. One plant supervisor said that there is no way a competitor would have tried to assist in that situation. They would have told us to cut them.
I was present when the guy’s arrived and I’ll be honest, I never saw them in action. So, if I never had to go and visit them it only stands for one thing, they did awesome! I heard some good comments from the Siemens Engineer in charge and some of the guys involved with the removal of the bolting and they were very satisfied. When I have people that know what they are doing, makes my job easier. Thank you and thank the guy’s for doing an excellent job. We’ll see you here when everything comes back together.
I’m sending my commendation for the services that Paul provided to Excelerate and Northeast Gateway during the recent buoy-only commissioning program. I found Paul to be extremely valuable to us, getting his job done and contributing to the entire process in a very positive manner.
I commend Paul for his participation and for accomplishing his tasks in a timely manner and in a challenging environment. He is a great fellow to work with and a good representative of your firm.
Please be advised that Turner Industries at the Delhi site feels that the crew that was headed by Aaron Henderson did a very professional job. We were well pleased with their work and attitude. At a later date we would like to have the same crew on site to work with and complete the project.
I would like to commend you and your staff for the great work you performed while at Georgia Gulf Corp. Your job was professionally done in a safe and environmentally sound manner. Thanks for a great job.
I want to thank you, Dennis and your staff for supporting us during the outage at Big Cajun. Because of you and your resourceful team, we were successful in completing our customer’s outage efficiently, on schedule and within the proposed budget. I know there was some confusion on our end in the last hour as to who would be doing the work, but you handled it very professionally. For that I thank you. Also special thanks to Dennis Kimberly who always has a can-do positive work ethic. He and his guys worked hard to meet our schedule. Dennis worked long hours thru the night to keep things going and that helped a lot. That’s the kind of on site support we appreciate. I also thought you should know we had no Bolttech equipment failures. The induction heaters worked flawlessly as usual. Thanks again, and keep up the good work
I just wanted to tell you that your guys did a great job. They showed up at the times they said they would, or when I asked, and they didn’t complain or give us any problems or attitudes. I literally saw some of the guys jump in and help out another one of your competitors working on the hydraulic tooling and services for our outage that Bolttech wasn’t even contracted to do. People also commented on how fast they were. Basically they made my job a lot easier, and I wish more vendors were like that.